My Big Bible Timeline Puzzle - Old Testament
The entire story of the Old Testament just for kids in a giant floor puzzle!
This puzzle will teach your child all about the great, big story God is telling from Genesis to Malachi. A lot happens in the Old Testament; there are kings and prophets, wars and wilderness, promises made and promises kept. This puzzle helps children understand the order in which key biblical events occur, and understand why they are important in the overall story of the Bible. The front of the puzzle creates the vibrant and engaging timeline, and the back of each puzzle piece explains how those events fit into the meta narrative (big story of the Bible) in kid-friendly language. As always, we keep Jesus front and center in this resource, pointing children to see how every event in the Old Testament reminded God's people that they needed a Savior, and Jesus was the Savior God promised to come. Even as they learn about the details of the Old Testament timeline, we hope they'll see the bigger picture: from the very beginning, God promised to send a Savior who would make a way for His people to be right with Him again. And He kept that promise! This is what the message of the entire Bible is all about: Jesus is the only Savior who can make us right with God.
Every major timeline landmark starts with the letter "C" so that you can remember what happens all along the way. Here are all the major events!
Creation - God creates man and woman in His image and for relationship with him! Man and woman fall into sin and are separated from God.
Covenant - God establishes His covenant with His people. We explore His covenant with Abraham, but teach that God creates many covenants with His people throughout the Old Testament (Adam, Moses, David, etc.)
Commandments - After being freed from slavery in Egypt, God's people didn't know how to live as His sacred people; they needed God to teach them how to reflect Him in this world. And so He gave them commandments (the Mosaic Law).
Crown - God's people demanded a king, and though God gave them one, each king reminded them that every human king would ultimately let them down; each one who did pointed them forward to the True King who would come and save them from their sin.
Calamity - God's people reap the consequences of their broken covenant with God and are taken into exile. They are far from God and far from home.
Construction - God's people are freed to return home and they rebuild God's special home, the temple. And yet - God's glory does not return to the temple. Why? Because God was getting ready to do something even better.
Coming Soon! This is what the entire Old Testament is about! The soon-coming Savior is sung by the poets and anticipated by the prophets. They all have one great, big message: He is on His way!
How big is the puzzle? The overall completed dimensions are 20" by 20". Each piece is roughly 5" by 5".
How durable is this puzzle? We designed this puzzle with kids in mind! Each piece of the puzzle is THICK, and can be used with love by your little ones.
How should I store this puzzle? We include a large cotton bag for storage (after all, don't all puzzles eventually end up in a bag anyway?)
What age group is this best for? We recommend it for ages 2-12! Each age group can learn something different, whether it is just exposure to biblical characters (2-6) or learning the events in their proper order (7-9) or understanding the theological importance of each event (10-12).
Do you have other Old Testament resources that I can use alongside this? YES! Check out our Adventure Through the Old Testament workbooks and the Christ at the Center Cards!
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We love this for helping reinforce the big story of the Bible! It’s something all our kids can do together.
I love this company and have bought 4 things from them!!
The kids in our class loved this puzzle! The wording was great to explain the timeline to young elementary kids, amd it connect with the NT to put a big picture together. Wonderful tool!
The My Big Bible Timeline Puzzle - Old Testament is a fabulous resource that is useful in several situations - planned study of the Old Testament, review, or a fun resource to have in your back pocket when there are a few minutes to fill. I bought both the Old Testament and New Testament!
I’m a pastor at a church just south of Pittsburgh PA and I am always looking for resources to teaching my three little boys about the Bible in an engaging way, We love the OT Big Bible Timeline Puzzle. As soon as we received it, we built the puzzle and then, walked through the timeline and my oldest son, loved it because he could understand better the order of the stories he already knows from the Bible and how they fit in to the larger picture of scripture. I had not realized that there were descriptions on the back of the puzzle pieces so that was a great surprise. We also, have the timy apologetics cards and the advent cards, which we are really enjoying as well.
Thanks for this great resource!